Sweet Swine County - Groups & Clubs

One of Sweet Swine County's best known clubs--The Professional Mourners Club --is celebrating it's 10th year. The popular club enhances the sadness at special events throughout the county including anniversary parties, lodge meetings, bachelorette parties, and retirement parties--literally wherever a tear could be shed in a special moment when tears are so needed. Club president, Ima Tearson told Sweet Swine Scoop, "Event planners may book all 19 members of The Professional Mourners for large, sad events, or just book the famed Wailing Sisters for smaller functions. Whatever your mourning needs, The Professional Mourners are guaranteed to make a sad moment the saddest ever!"

A number of notable, decent, well-fed and successful Sweet Swine County citizens make up the county's Legion of Decency board! The board's mission is to enforce "The Swine Code" that specifically limits the airing on TV or radio anything considered to be too grossly indecent for county residents. Earl Silo, the board's Vice Treasurer, described The Swine Code this way: "Basically it's a set of rules and codes written by the founders of Sweet Swine County in the 1930s to keep this county "clean" and on the up and up. Those codes have never been broken yet, but when they are you can be sure the Legion of Decency board will take action!

Ms Judith Vanderswine the Legion of Decency permanent part-time president on The Women of Sweet Swine County

In the early 1990s, Lawyer Ed started a highly successful Internet hair-loss club for men called, "The Comb-Over Society." He has attracted such high profile members as Donald Tramp, Bruce Wills and Ted Dancer.